32 in Noose Hill
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Author Note

3rd Mar 2018, 3:21 PM edit | delete

Jerry's jacket has changed! It's got nothing to do with the story, I just wanted to redesign him a little so I don't have to draw the stupid ribcage every page

one! more! page! to the end of the chapter. I'm busy polishing up the script for the next one :D


3rd Mar 2018, 3:25 PM edit | delete | reply

It's a weird day when you're relieved to see your "other" dead brother >.>

Kinda sad there wasn't this level of kinship in life, huh?

3rd Mar 2018, 3:29 PM edit | delete | reply

They both could have really saved themselves a lot of trouble!

Dylan might have worse and weirder days to come ;;)

3rd Mar 2018, 3:41 PM edit | delete | reply

Man, I missed that dork and the twins’ dynamics. Good to have him back. And as usual, Jerry is so close and yet so so far.

Love how you portrayed Dylan in this page: a perfect blend of relief and straight jacket material.

4th Mar 2018, 12:46 AM edit | delete | reply

Yeah, I love writing their conversations! I can't believe it's been ~4 months since we saw Jerry last!

And thank you!

4th Mar 2018, 9:52 AM edit | delete | reply

You're welcome!

And… semi-off topic…

You wouldn't happen to know of any good stories (be it comics or literature) involving ghosts like Raining Knives? I'm having an especially hard time finding good ghost stories where the ghosts aren't either eldritch abominations or the subject of a fetish. On the rare occasion I do find such a story, it's inevitably a cozy mystery which, by design, is lacking all tension, which isn't that much better.

4th Mar 2018, 8:21 PM edit | delete | reply

Hmm I'm not sure I can think of anything off the top of my head... I like Helsirvente, but that's generally more lighthearted.
Though I used to watch Ghost Whisperer when I was younger, I think that's what got me into ghosts but I don't really remember how good it was.

3rd Mar 2018, 6:57 PM edit | delete | reply

I'd figured it would be the undertaker's daughter, so I first interpreted the first panel as Jerry obscuring her from sight(not realizing that it was the other Jerry). For some reason it made me feel a little wave of claustrophobia.

4th Mar 2018, 12:45 AM edit | delete | reply

Oof, it's lucky it wasn't her, s he might've just got an accidental smack in the face :/

4th Mar 2018, 7:29 PM edit | delete | reply

You are an idiot, Dylan. I mean, yes, he is. A huge one and I want to see him in prison but... It is almost as if now he realizes how much he misses his brother. The brother he killed out of abnormal petty.
Maybe back then he should have just approached Jerry and perhaps his family as well about his feelings of inferiority and straighten everything up there and then.
It was not exactly a matter of life and death. Okay, it turned out to be. Far too late now. Too late for anything resembling regret anyway.

6th Mar 2018, 12:06 AM edit | delete | reply

As the saying goes, "Hindsight is 20/20." Dylan, like many siblings, has impulse control issues when it comes to his twin brother, which means that rational control of his actions requires perspective and wisdom that he hasn't developed yet. Some people never figure it out, others realize it from an early age for various reasons. It's part of "growing up" and, sadly, some kids, like Jerry, don't get the chance to learn it. If I had to guess though, even if Dylan is going insane, for lack of a better word, I suspect he's learning some perspective now and gaining some very hard earned wisdom when it comes to properly appreciating the people in your life. time will tell, but I'd like to give him the benefit of the doubt.

7th Mar 2018, 8:09 PM edit | delete | reply

I completely agree and I mean, it is still fiction. You do not just kill your twin brother and walk away...

Yeah. I do not know any twins but from people I know who have siblings, it often did not work out that well. Depends. Usually on how they grew up. Those who could afford stuff and had a pretty good childhood, are ironically more distant these days because both siblings could be more individual and maybe annoyed each other then.
On the other hand, the opposite situation made siblings close because of "sticking together through thick and thin". That is why I absolutely adore my own lil bro.

Jerry was an ass but they should have talked :/

5th Mar 2018, 2:03 AM edit | delete | reply

There's four things that could be happening here.

Dylan is hallucinating and his brother is really haunting him.

Dylan has slipped into a mental hell where his mind has conjured his normal brother and punisher brother. (Think of Pyramid Head)

Dylan is both haunted by his brother and some kind of demon preying on his guilt at the same time.

Dylan has stepped into Silent Hill and is now undergoing its psychiatric care.

Either way,keep it up!

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