13 in Deepwell
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Author Note

23rd Jan 2019, 3:42 PM edit | delete



23rd Jan 2019, 3:48 PM edit | delete | reply

If this were a video game, Dylan would just moon walk in front of the gap in the stairs until he completed the fetch quest, collecting the hammer and triggering the cut scene.

23rd Jan 2019, 7:29 PM edit | delete | reply

Oh my gosh
If ONLY this were a video game

23rd Jan 2019, 5:07 PM edit | delete | reply

These stairs give me the writhing disproportionate heebie-jeebies.

23rd Jan 2019, 7:30 PM edit | delete | reply

I imagine the whole set of stairs is slightly rotten and not very stable feeling!

23rd Jan 2019, 10:07 PM edit | delete | reply

What they said

EXACTLY what they said

23rd Jan 2019, 5:52 PM edit | delete | reply

AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH?!?? Is this the first time we’ve seen a ghost move shit around? Because if so this is one hell of a way to break it to us that they can mess with objects (besides people) on the physical plane. Also, the lines “YOU killed YOUR brother” and the way “YOU SICK, PATHETIC MURDERER” is laid out have my guts in a twist UGH this page is awesome

23rd Jan 2019, 7:31 PM edit | delete | reply

Other than the twins hugging, it should be! Suit boy can do what he likes in his hospital ;D
Thank yoou :>

25th Jan 2019, 4:27 PM edit | delete | reply

Yep! I figured dead people come back as either best bros or annoying enemies but now we are moving to some action territory as well :O
Ghosts with psychic powers are unfair but I think a good old hammer is better than a proton beam :D

23rd Jan 2019, 6:33 PM edit | delete | reply

I love how Jerry, the ghost, is the one who is apparently shielding his head (or covering his ears?) instead of Dylan, as well as still walking, climbing stairs and so forth. I don't think he's received his Ghost 101 training yet. :D

23rd Jan 2019, 7:32 PM edit | delete | reply

Haha yeah, it's gonna take him a while before he can overcome his knee-jerk reactions. He wouldn't want anything to hit his head after all >_>

24th Jan 2019, 7:09 PM edit | delete | reply

Good point! I hadn't thought about how gunshy Jerry would be about getting hit in the head. :D

24th Jan 2019, 10:23 PM edit | delete | reply

That color contrast on the bottom is beautiful!

This is seriously one of those scenes (whole comic, really) where it really makes you think and you just wanna take it all in and sit there staring at the screen thinking SO DAMN HARD. Like when someone is watching a scary movie or pivotal moment in a drama and they don't dare to say anything to mess up the flow :o

26th Jan 2019, 4:30 PM edit | delete | reply

Ahh thank you!
there is finally some action in this story haha

25th Jan 2019, 4:30 PM edit | delete | reply

Oookay. It is like the tables have turned slightly because at least I feel less effect from the taunts now. He is still correct but since we know (or suspect) the truth and Ghost Jerry is kind of getting to terms with it (well, really kind of ;) ) I would like to see Dylan striking back :D
He is an a-hole but a likable one (at least now than before) and such characters are prone to some badass moments even in mostly realistic settings :D

26th Jan 2019, 4:29 PM edit | delete | reply

suit boy might have to change tactic, huh? no stopping dylan with words

26th Jan 2019, 4:26 PM edit | delete | reply


26th Jan 2019, 4:28 PM edit | delete | reply


26th Jan 2019, 4:31 PM edit | delete | reply


I need to actually make any pages at all *cries*

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