9 in Only Ash
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24th Jul 2019, 2:00 PM edit | delete

I have nothing to say about this except i've been waiting 5 weeks to post it with a sort of devilish excitement


24th Jul 2019, 3:01 PM edit | delete | reply





24th Jul 2019, 3:43 PM edit | delete | reply

I feel like I'm supposed to be stunned at Jerry being poofed, but I'm too busy being freaked out by Malachy's shadow

29th Jul 2019, 1:44 PM edit | delete | reply

Oh damn

24th Jul 2019, 3:44 PM edit | delete | reply

:0 :0 :0 u_u

When Dylan said "What did you do?" It reminded me of the dream he has where little kid Dylan asks him the same thing.

24th Jul 2019, 3:46 PM edit | delete | reply

I won't believe for a second Jerry's gone permanently, but oh boy Dylan looks so scared he's lost him, even the threat of going to jail didn't make him this afraid. (Dylan, honey, the fact that your brother came back as a ghost makes you the most lucky person alive, you better don't waste that chance)
That's cute and so sad c':

24th Jul 2019, 5:54 PM edit | delete | reply

He made your annoying bro to leave. That is what you wanted, Dylan. Heh.
For real though: How the heck powerful is his ghost. He has all these powers like taking another form, living inside somebody's head, actually wrecking stuff in the real world and un-summoning other ghosts. Jerry can do... none of that?? Abilities too OP...

24th Jul 2019, 7:15 PM edit | delete | reply

Malachy has 10 years of experience and a little madness on his side, Jerry is just some dork

24th Jul 2019, 8:48 PM edit | delete | reply

Oh okAY WOW this is actually SO much worse than a ghost shiv

Holy shit, dude. My heart. There’s so much energy and brotherly defiance in that first panel, Dylan is actually *smiling,* and then Jerry gets fucking disintegrated. The snap from determination to dread and confusion is just genuinely crushing. My chest aches for Dylan. Malachy’s inhuman calm adds so much terror to it all. So much is going on. I’m gonna be trapped in a state of horrified anticipation until the next update, probably gonna fuckin perish, thank you for this :’)

27th Jul 2019, 2:37 PM edit | delete | reply

Hahaha this is nothing to Malachy :) I changed this scene last minute from having Malachy be as manic and angry as before but thought the strange calm was more effective

24th Jul 2019, 11:36 PM edit | delete | reply

wa ha ahahaha yes, good

25th Jul 2019, 3:22 PM edit | delete | reply

Perfectly balanced
As all things should be

25th Jul 2019, 3:27 PM edit | delete | reply


26th Jul 2019, 4:19 AM edit | delete | reply

Oooooh boy, that's unexpected. The fact you looked forward to this, wow, you're EVIL, and that is a compliment. Absolutely magnificent.

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