14 in Only Ash
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Author Note

10th Aug 2019, 6:57 PM edit | delete

I think on tapas someone said the moment this scene begna 'where did all the people in the hallway go?'
Yeah malachy hasn't got crazy banishment powers, it was just another illusion!

when dylan grabbed mals neck/bumped into things sticking out the walls
it was people
there you go


10th Aug 2019, 7:32 PM edit | delete | reply

Holy shit, did he grab Chris by the throat? Is that just an odd shadow or did Dylan actually leave a mark? If this had gone differently he could’ve choked someone out. Illusory powers are no joke

Also if that *is* car crash boy in the upper left I’m glad to see he’s still kickin it in this universe

11th Aug 2019, 12:30 AM edit | delete | reply

Ooooh boy that could've gone a lot worse for dylan. Wow, this is amazing, as always

11th Aug 2019, 6:18 PM edit | delete | reply

Ya. I think people called this one. So that makes Mal's powers especially dangerous now for Dylan.
Although if he is in it to torture Dylan then he will prevent him from going to the police. Hm.

Looking at it from his buddies' point of view, maybe Dylan can still play this as not getting over Jerry's death yet...

11th Aug 2019, 6:34 PM edit | delete | reply

You know… it's kinda funny… I was figuring the hallway was actually crowded and that Malachy was trying to get Dylan to confess in public, but I didn't make the connection with the hands grabbing Dylan and Dylan making tactile contact with Malachy.

I guess I'm not nearly as good of a detective as I like to think.

14th Aug 2019, 11:52 AM edit | delete | reply

"Are you okay?"
"Yes, just hallucinating."
Oh, so he's fine then!

14th Aug 2019, 11:52 AM edit | delete | reply

"Are you okay?"
"Yes, just hallucinating."
Oh, so he's fine then!

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