Friend in Friend
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Author Note

10th May 2017, 4:41 PM edit | delete

I kept changing my mind about the name of this chapter! It was 'Scared of the Dark', then 'Not His friend' now just 'Friend'.

Anyway, not back to normal updates yet, I just thought I'd post this cover now and take the time to thank you guys for 200 subs! And again because I'm still hanging out at the bottom of pop overall on CF! Thank you all! We may be a small community, but it feels like a big achievement and the me of two and a half years ago thought nobody at all would want to read this story.

I want to do something for you, so if you guys want a little art request, post below or PM me. If I get a couple, I'll do them all, if I get a few, I'll have some kind of random-draw situation! I guess you've got until July if you're interested, that's when I'll be able to draw freely again. Thank you again, and have a nice... rest of the week?

Oh! And I'm updating the site right now, if it goes wonky - there's your reason


10th May 2017, 5:33 PM edit | delete | reply

oh this looks nice

20th May 2017, 7:29 PM edit | delete | reply

Thank you!

10th May 2017, 6:37 PM edit | delete | reply

Are they going to cooperate for real? :O
inb4 Jerry ends up uh, dead? Again? Deader?

And congrats!

20th May 2017, 7:29 PM edit | delete | reply

They... get along surprisingly well, I'd say. Given the circumstances.

10th May 2017, 8:49 PM edit | delete | reply

Congrats! Something to be proud of for sure! And this new character looks very interesting ^_^

20th May 2017, 7:28 PM edit | delete | reply

Thanks! Yess, I like this character. i like his beard :B

10th May 2017, 11:26 PM edit | delete | reply

You've got a knack for covers. Very movie-poster.

As for the little art request, Ill totally take you up on it! Whatever you want to do if I get chosen!

14th May 2017, 8:39 PM edit | delete | reply


I'll take any excuse to draw some Cato~ Expect something between now and July :>

11th May 2017, 8:13 AM edit | delete | reply

Yesssss I love everything you draw XD This is such a cool cover! I love it so much! I wonder what these crazy boys are up to :o

You've already drawn me some amazing stuff, one of which is proudly displayed on my Abby wall in my bedroom :D

14th May 2017, 8:36 PM edit | delete | reply

Aw thank you! I have this one of yours on my revision wall! I don't have a Jeremy wall :B

I may just have to draw Petunia anyway tho, you have been warned >:)

15th May 2017, 7:28 PM edit | delete | reply

Your drawing is so good I'm tempted to greedily request!

17th May 2017, 8:05 PM edit | delete | reply

Go ahead! I'd be happy to draw you something!

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